2021 – 2022 Season
Sunday at 4:00 o’clock p.m. each week
September 12th to 29 May 2022
Offertorio……. Domenico Zipoli (1688 – 1726)
79 O Little town of Bethlehem…….ST. LOUIS
98, Unto us a boy is born!.......PUER NOBIS NASCITUR
81, Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming…….ES IST EIN ROS
Zu Bethlehem geboren…….Helmut Walcha (1907 – 1991)
89, It came upon the midnight clear…….CAROL
101, Away in a manger…….Alt Tune. MŨLLER
82, Of the Father’s love begotten…….DIVINUM MYSTERIUM
Noël sur les Flutes…….Louis-Claude Daquin (1694-1772)
99, Go tell it on the mountain…….GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN
100, Joy to the world……ANTIOCH
Noël Suisse…….Louis-Claude Daquin
Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy and Holy Christmas
and good health and prosperity in The New Year.